24 June
Loud chomping, chewing and water-sputtering
sounds of hippos grazing right outside our tent wake us up. We can only see
their silhouettes in the moonlight. Willie and I take pictures and video
clips of the hippo family in the morning. I never grow tired of hippos with
their fat, shiny bodies, funny little ears, big amphitheater mouths through
which they produce the most colossal sounds so befitting their figures.
Our South African friends leave and we spend the morning doing
laundry, cleaning and Willie replaces the fuel filters. The 4 of us drive to the
dam wall in the afternoon. We park our car, leave our passports at the border
post and walk down to the bridge over the Kariba – the link between Zimbabwe and
Zambia. It is a formidable sight and an immense project: the dam was built
between 1956 – 1959 and stretches over 300 km from the Victoria Falls. We cross
into Zambia on the middle of the bridge, take pictures and video of the immense
body of water.
Loud chomping, chewing and water-sputtering
sounds of hippos grazing right outside our tent wake us up. We can only see
their silhouettes in the moonlight. Willie and I take pictures and video
clips of the hippo family in the morning. I never grow tired of hippos with
their fat, shiny bodies, funny little ears, big amphitheater mouths through
which they produce the most colossal sounds so befitting their figures.
Our South African friends leave and we spend the morning doing
laundry, cleaning and Willie replaces the fuel filters. The 4 of us drive to the
dam wall in the afternoon. We park our car, leave our passports at the border
post and walk down to the bridge over the Kariba – the link between Zimbabwe and
Zambia. It is a formidable sight and an immense project: the dam was built
between 1956 – 1959 and stretches over 300 km from the Victoria Falls. We cross
into Zambia on the middle of the bridge, take pictures and video of the immense
body of water.