I’ve seen many pictures over the years of Petra and never thought I will be able to see it with my own eyes. We join busloads of tourists and walk pass interesting rock formations with evidence everywhere of the ancient Nabatean civilization that has thrived at Petra more than 2000 years ago. Considered a world wonder and Jordan’s most valuable tourist attraction we are excited, not knowing what to expect.
The Nabateans were an industrious Arab people who carved this unique city into sheer rock face and cliffs. We enter the Siq – a narrow gorge almost 1 km long with 80 metre sides towering over us as we walk downhill to the ancient city in the valley. Nothing can really prepare one for what follows when you round a corner close to the end of the Siq…what you see is almost a shock to the eyes – framed by the tall cliffs the slit of the gorge are filled by a massive rosy-pink façade. Willie and the boys immediately knew what they were looking at – The Treasury where Indiana Jones found the holy grail in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
Words cannot capture this unique, vast, beauty – or rather I lack the words to describe this experience. Photos will do better. I need more time to convert Willie’s photos from raw format to JPEG and promise to post them in the next few days.
We meet up with the boys at 4pm and Will is already in the bus that will take him to Amman. It was wonderful to have him join us and share the last few days with him.
The Nabateans were an industrious Arab people who carved this unique city into sheer rock face and cliffs. We enter the Siq – a narrow gorge almost 1 km long with 80 metre sides towering over us as we walk downhill to the ancient city in the valley. Nothing can really prepare one for what follows when you round a corner close to the end of the Siq…what you see is almost a shock to the eyes – framed by the tall cliffs the slit of the gorge are filled by a massive rosy-pink façade. Willie and the boys immediately knew what they were looking at – The Treasury where Indiana Jones found the holy grail in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
Words cannot capture this unique, vast, beauty – or rather I lack the words to describe this experience. Photos will do better. I need more time to convert Willie’s photos from raw format to JPEG and promise to post them in the next few days.
We meet up with the boys at 4pm and Will is already in the bus that will take him to Amman. It was wonderful to have him join us and share the last few days with him.